
Nowadays the mail and is delivered in all weathers from Kelso in a red postal van. The postman also brings newspapers for those who pay their newsagent for the service.

This is a change from a hundred years ago when Eckford Post Office was at Kirkstyle. In1861 John Waldie, known as a rural messenger, walked daily from Kelso to Kirkstyle (about five miles) arriving there at 7.45am. He was met by another messenger and sometimes by girls known as post runners. The post went on foot as far as Nisbet Mill and the runners took letters to Brownrigg or even to Littledeanlees in the parish of Crailing. Later on, probably with the coming of the railway, the postal address was changed from Kelso to Roxburgh and mail was delivered from there by bicycle. This method was continued until September 1948 when delivery was begun by van from Kelso and Eckford’s address was changed once again.

There is a bus service by Scottish Omnibuses which passes through Eckford en route from Hawick and Jedburgh to Kelso. The service has become less frequent over the years as more and more people have cars. Recently another bus service, BusKers, has started up on the same route.

The railway service through Kirkbank Station has gone, passenger trains stopped in 1948 and goods trains in 1964.This closure posed an insoluble problem for the gatekeeper at Ormiston Crossing whose sole supply of water had previously been delivered in churns left each day by one of the passing trains. Temporary arrangements were made but in October 1964 the gatekeeper left and the gatehouse was closed. The lines have been lifted and the bridges dismantled but the track is still a grand walk along the river.

Medical services are provided by Kelso Health Centre. There used to be grumbles about the distance to Peel Hospital between Galashiels and Peebles .The history written in 1966 says, “The Federation of the WRI made strident efforts to have the hospital re-sited but the clamour fell on deaf ears. It was interesting to note that once the WRI had raised its voice, neighbouring Town Councils joined in the chorus but it was Eckford WRI which was first vociferous. Perhaps some day the complaint will receive attention and patients will no longer need to spend a whole day being taken to Peel and back for a brief treatment or X-ray.”

Eventually Peel Hospital was closed and a large, new hospital called the Borders General was built at Melrose.